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Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 5 October 2023

Welcome to theSkills.Life! By using our platform, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully.

  1. Acceptance of Terms

    - These Terms and Conditions govern your use of theSkills.Life.

    - By using our platform, you agree to comply with these terms.

  2. User Accounts

    - You must be at least 13 years old to create an account.

    - You're responsible for keeping your account information accurate and secure.

  3. Booking and Payment

    - To book activities, you agree to provide accurate and complete payment information.

    - Activity prices, availability, and cancellations are subject to our policies.

  4. Activity Providers

    - theSkills.Life acts as a booking platform connecting users to activity providers.

    - We are not responsible for the quality or safety of activities offered by providers.

  5. User Conduct

    - You agree to use our platform in a lawful and respectful manner.

    - Harassment, fraud, or other harmful actions are strictly prohibited.

  6. Privacy

    - Our Privacy Policy governs the collection and use of your data; please review it.

  7. Intellectual Property

    - Content on our platform, including logos and trademarks, is protected by copyright.

    - You may not use, reproduce, or distribute our content without permission.

  8. Termination

    - We reserve the right to terminate or suspend accounts for violations of these terms.

  9. Liability

    - theSkills.Life is not liable for any losses or damages resulting from your use of our platform.

    - Activity providers are responsible for the services they offer.

  10. Changes to Terms and Conditions

    - We may update these terms; the latest version will be posted here.

  11. Governing Law

    - These terms are governed by the laws of Bali.

  12. Contact Information

    - If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact us at:

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